Oral Cancer Awareness

Be the Hero of Your Own Smile: Oral Cancer Awareness Month Challenge

Every year, millions of people around the world are diagnosed with cancer. Oral cancer, affecting the mouth and throat, is a serious concern, but with awareness and early detection, the chances of successful treatment increase significantly. This April, designated as Oral Cancer Awareness Month, is the perfect time to take the “Be the Hero of Your Own Smile” challenge!

Know the Risks: Understanding Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can develop in various parts of the mouth and throat, including the tongue, lips, cheeks, gums, and the floor of the mouth. While the exact causes are unknown, certain risk factors are well-established. These include:

  • Tobacco Use: Smoking, chewing tobacco, and smokeless cigarettes are major contributors to oral cancer risk.
  • Heavy Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake, particularly when combined with tobacco use, significantly increases the risk.
  • HPV Infection: Human papillomavirus (HPV), particularly HPV16 and HPV18, is linked to some oral cancers, especially those affecting the tonsils and the base of the tongue.
  • Sun Exposure: Excessive sun exposure can increase the risk of lip cancer.
  • Family History: Having a close relative with oral cancer slightly increases your risk.
  • Be Your Smile’s Defender: Self-Examination Tips

Early detection is crucial in the fight against oral cancer.  Here’s how you can become your smile’s defender through regular self-examination:

  • Visual Inspection: Stand in front of a mirror with bright light. Tilt your head back and stick out your tongue. Look for any white or red patches, sores, or lumps on the tongue, lips, cheeks, gums, and the roof of your mouth.
  • Feel for Lumps: Gently feel your lips, cheeks, tongue, and the floor of your mouth for any lumps or bumps.
  • Neck Check: Feel your neck for any swollen lymph nodes.

If you notice any unusual changes that persist for more than two weeks, schedule an appointment with your dentist or doctor immediately.

Partner with Your Dentist: Regular Checkups and Screenings

While self-examinations are crucial, professional dental checkups and screenings are equally important.  Your dentist can perform a more thorough examination,  including:

  • Visual Examination: Similar to self-exams, your dentist will inspect your mouth and throat for any abnormalities.
  • Palpation: They will gently feel your mouth, tongue, and neck for lumps or bumps.
  • Oral Cancer Screening Tests: Depending on your risk factors, your dentist may recommend additional screening tests, such as brush biopsies or tissue dysplasia tests.

Schedule regular dental checkups, typically every six months, and discuss your oral cancer risk factors with your dentist. They can personalize a screening plan to best suit your needs.

Champion a Healthy Smile: Lifestyle Choices for Prevention

Remember, prevention is always better than cure.  Here are some lifestyle choices that can significantly reduce your risk of oral cancer:

  • Quit Tobacco and Limit Alcohol: This is the single most important step you can take for oral cancer prevention.
  • Sun Protection: Protect your lips from sun damage by using lip balm with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Regular Dental Care: Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily to maintain good oral hygiene.

This April, take charge of your oral health.  By following these tips and participating in the “Be the Hero of Your Own Smile” challenge, you can significantly reduce your risk of oral cancer and keep your smile healthy and bright!